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What Are the Advantages of West Coast E-Commerce FulFillment

What Are the Advantages of West Coast E-Commerce FulFillment

Optimizing eCommerce operations is a crucial part of your overall success and profitability. In order to optimize effective eCommerce operations, most companies are looking for ways to improve distribution speed and reduce their costs. Distribution speed and cost are mostly affected by the location of fulfillment services, so it only makes sense to evaluate your fulfillment locations. According to Business Wire, the market size of North American eCommerce fulfillment services is due to grow to $65.35 billion by 2030. Your method of fulfillment matters. Let's look at some of the advantages of West Coast eCommerce fulfillment services.

Save Time

There are distinct advantages to basing your fulfillment services on the West Coast. When moving inventory from Asia, there is a distinct speed advantage. Asia to LA normally has a 20-day transit time. This can make a huge difference in how quickly you can refill inventory and get products to customers. eCommerce customers today are expecting deliveries faster than ever. When inventory is low or out of stock, it can cause huge problems with backorders. This can be avoided when you have inventory moving quickly into your West Coast fulfillment centers. You save almost two weeks on transit time since shipping from Asia to the East Coast is almost 34 days.

Save Money

The above-mentioned speed advantage translates naturally into cost savings for your company. The speed advantage means that your inventory is on the ocean for less time. When inventory is on the ocean for less time, you save money on shipping costs. Also, long term, you save money by ensuring better customer loyalty and retention because your customers know they can depend on you to have inventory in stock when they want it.

Save Labor

Another distinct type of advantage is the labor pool available in California. California has an excellent labor pool of professionals experienced in the logistics of eCommerce order fulfillment. This is an important detail because a lot of time and money can be spent trying to attract, hire, and train employees. These workers will have a huge impact on your ultimate success.

These are just a few of the advantages of utilizing West Coast eCommerce fulfillment. If you're looking for ways to save on your eCommerce shipping, please contact us at KudaExpress today.